Power Block and Switch Remixes for Darth Vader's Lightsaber

Power Block and Switch Remixes for Darth Vader's Lightsaber


Let me just say that I love CaseStudyno8 Lightsaber's. Darth Vader's looked the easiest to print and assemble, so I started there. Once I assembled my first printing, I decided I wanted a couple modifications. First I wanted the Power Regulator to be able to move. I designed a print-in-place Power Block connected to the Power Regulator on a ball joint. I've provided two models, one with a 0.2mm gap around the ball joint and a second with a 0.4mm gap around the ball joint. If the smaller gap doesn't work, try the larger gap.I printed this with Supports and a Brim. That probably isn't necessary. NOTE: I did not model my Power Regulator faithfully from the original, I designed it so be relatively easy to print. But I still think it fits well with the model, overall. Secondly, the regarding Power Switch. It had six little half-spheres on it. I thought these would look nicer with color and one might even want to color them independently. So I created a version of the Power Switch with insets for Jewels and a model for the Jewel. This model (with individual jewels) worked better when I reduced the number of jewels to 5. As with anything this small, I'd recommend printing with a Brim. There is no reason for Supports. I've printed these and I'm happy with the design. Unless I get suggestions, I don't anticipate future changes.






