Decorated Planter w/ Built-in saucer

Decorated Planter w/ Built-in saucer


This planter features a Greek geometric design, and a built-in saucer and drain holes. The planter is quite large, and will barely not fit on my buildplate at 100% scale. In the picture, the blue planter is (a slightly older design) printed in ABS at 25% scale, and the white planter is printed in PLA at 60% scale. Make sure that your printer is well calibrated, since the sharp angles of the decorations tend to make ringing very noticeable. Both sizes printed perfectly without supports. This design is very rigid at 20% infill and will not bend noticeably even if you try. 20% infill is probably overkill. Also please ignore the rosemary in the background, I overwatered it and it's very sad.



