Replacement Toy Cement Truck Drum (KY Steel Roder Cement Mixer 3327)

Replacement Toy Cement Truck Drum (KY Steel Roder Cement Mixer 3327)


I IDed the toy and added a few original packaging images. My drum is not quite to the original spec (yellow is the original that I no longer have). I may upload a revision when I have the time now that I have a source image for the original drum. <b>This fits a KY Steel Roder Cement Mixer (3327)</b> Don't think this will have much of a broad appeal as it is a very specific part to a toy of mine from way back, but hey might as well put it up. This metal truck has been missing it's mixing drum for decades. Now that I'm passing it along to my daughter I figured It's time for a refurb. The second model is for altering the infill to strengthen the end pin.



