12mm Hex Driven Wheel of the Rep_AL Robotic Lawn Mower

12mm Hex Driven Wheel of the Rep_AL Robotic Lawn Mower


20mm and 30mm recessed hex wheels for the ReP_AL Mower. These are designed to fit the Polulo 12mm Shaft to hex adapters. (https://www.pololu.com/product/2686) The amazing ReP_AL mower is available at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3040048 I have done a 20mm (which I am using) recess for the 20mm adapter, and a 30mm recess for the 35mm adapter.. To Apply and get a perfect fit I warmed up the adapter, by putting my soldering Iron through the hole and then once hot, I pushed it into the 12mm Hex hole in the wheel, This hopefully means that there is very little likelihood of the metal not always being in contact with the wheel. Please note the front of the motor is screwed to the wheel arch, and so you do need to leave 1-2mm clearance between the head of the screws (which go into the motor) and the adapter. The motors and all other parts are stock (from Rep_AL)







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