I3 Mega 5015 duct fan cooler with 80mm LED ring
I remixed the fan to accommodate my <a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07GBZTWSD/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1638&creative=6742&creativeASIN=B07GBZTWSD&linkCode=as2&tag=gb0e06-21&linkId=092ecb470ad46e91b271f021dd103cbe">80 mm LED Ring SMD</a>. I printed it with transparent PLA so that it "glows". It is just a bit too dazzling, therefore I painted the outer ring wall black. UPDATE: v2: So the outer ring was colliding with the x axis switch. therfore I moved the ring 1mm down and resized the outer ring wall in the back part. v3: Version without any ring wall. v4: outer ring wall only for printing e.g. with black PLA and superglue it to the fan. Keep in mind that you will have to cut it in the back part. Good thing is, you don`t have to remove the complete fan to attach ist ^^