Cabinet Corner Block

Cabinet Corner Block


A simple Cabinet Corner Block for those times when, popping to your local DIY store to pick 20 up for £1.99 seems just like too much effort. Use these to attach two pieces of timber or sheet material at right angles to each other. Ideal for "lazy" cabinetry when dovetails, buscuit, pocket or Mortise & Tenon are either too complicated to achieve, or you can't be bothered. Maybe you just want to build a simple box with basic butt, miter or rabbet joints. Disclaimer: I used the interweb to look up the joint names mentioned above and the last time these words fell upon my ears was my last year of school, over 30 years ago. I take no responsibility for my reckless misuse of their monickers and if I've even spelled them correctly. If you liked my design and want to show your appreciation,why not leave a small donation of a £/$/€ or two through the blue TIP BUTTON on the left.





