Flower Nail
What is this thing? How could this possibly be useful? "You want a chocolate cake with roses made out of frosting? Sure! I'll pull up a youtube video the night before your party with all of your friends at the trampoline park and will decorate the bejesus out of that cake." "Thanks Daddy!" So begins my tale. The night: dark The mood: tense. My blood sugar: about to get higher. So there I was, just having baked the cake, frosted it, and set aside a whole pound of frosting to make buttercream roses. How you ask? Well, you're slightly ahead of where I was at that point in time. "Alexa. Show me a video of how to make buttercream roses." "Sure." As I watched videos taking most of the time to detail their life stories and explaining the merits of making cakes, they all center around having these things called "Flower nails" so that you can rotate the rose as you are squirting out your favorite concoction of fat and sugar. Realizing I had nothing of the sort, did I stop? Did I give up? Did I try to convince my daughter that maybe a nice plain cake with maybe a car and a couple stick figures would do? Let me ask you this, "Did humanity stop exploring when it was hard? Did Joey Chestnut give up when he saw Kobayashi down 69 hot dogs as the world record? " Neither could I! To Solidworks I went, modeled up something quick based on the rough dimensions I found on amazon, and less than an hour later, I coated the top with wax paper and off I went, making rose-ish abominations until they eventually came out "kind of ok!" Enjoy everyone! Also, if you want to see a video of how to make the actual roses, check out this (Not my video, just someone I found online who was helpful in my time of need): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-4GhfdxWwI