Prusa LACK Front Panel with Touchscreen

Prusa LACK Front Panel with Touchscreen


I found a few projects I liked and had to remix a couple of parts aside from the linked 3.5" touch screen mod by darksid3r I also grabbed the bracket from here ( and widened some holes so it can allow for 2 x m3 screws to hold it all together. I did a two tone color print on my panel, and it works extremely well. You will need 2 x m3 x 12mm screws to hold it from the removable arms, as well as a few small m3 screws for the raspberry Pi bracket and to hold the Prusa screen solidly in a couple of spots. Knob pictured is not included in this pack but is available here, and yes it does make a world of difference I used the LCD from here as it also included heatsinks for the Pi. Personally I love the touch screen as I use a 64GB MicroSD and I can store a ton of GCODE and repeatedly print everything, as well as more easily keep tabs on my Nyloc Mod with the Prusa Mesh Leveling plugin



