Lulzbot Taz 6 filament sensor + guide
I updated all my printer sensors with the new Lerdge v2, micro-switch filament sensor and it has been working amazing. This incorporates the sensor in the direct filament line utilizing the tube spinner designed by Lulzbot. Also includes int he STL is a filament tube guide designed by mantisrobot ( Lerdge v2 sensor: How to use: Print part, insert sensor, wire up to octoprint enabled raspberry pi (RED power->pin 02, BLACK ground -> pin 06, WHITE signal -> pin 07) Install Filament reloaded plugin for octoprint: Plugin settings, insert into GCODE box in settings: M300 ; beep sound M600 X220 Y17 Z20 ; move Z up +20, move bed to rear for easy access nozzle Check in Send GCODE once box NO CHECK in pause Print box Print until filament runs out, Taz will run a filament change routine, insert more filament, Hit resume on LCD, hit un-pause print in octoprint. Bob's your Uncle.