Raspberry Pi Mamboberry DAC+ Kali Reclocker Housing with LCD and LED soft shutdown

Raspberry Pi Mamboberry DAC+ Kali Reclocker Housing with LCD and LED soft shutdown


Music Player Housing for Raspberry Pi with Mamboberry DAC+ and Kali Reclocker. Brass screws are M3. This is a rebuild of the Mamboberry Media Player, which was originally purchased here: https://collybia.com/product/mambo-media-hifi-playerkit/ Added a Kali Reclocker as well... https://www.allo.com/sparky/kali-reclocker.html And finally a Raspberry Pi 3B+: QUICK - https://amzn.to/2B7QpAo CHEAPER - https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338610244&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FRaspberry-Pi-3-B-Motherboard-%2F302678652517 If you need the pinout for the player, please post a comment. Several testing/articles have been done with this setup. Please read if interested: http://www.dimdim.gr/2017/03/mamboberry-ls-dac-vs-boss-dac-vs-piano-2-1-hi-fi-dac-with-and-without-kali-fifo-reclocker/ Help me make more interesting projects... using these links are some of the least expensive and helps me a lot. LED Button for "Soft Shutdown" affiliate link here: Machifit DC 5V 19mm 4 Pin Momentary Switch Led Light Metal Push Button Waterproof Switch - Blue: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DmDm6cua4i For ON/OFF (actually it is a soft shutdown switch) you will need to connect the ground cable to pin 14, the (+) cable to pin 22(GPIO 6) and the other two cables (if you have a 4pin reset switch like Mambo Media player) will go to pins 18,20(it doesn’t matter the order). <a href="http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/3F8djgYC" target="_parent">AliExpress.com Product - 1pc 19mm Black Waterproof Momentary Stainless Steel Metal Push Button Switch Colorful LED Light Horn Car Auto Engine Power Start</a> After that you ‘ll have to set a script file when someone push the switch it will shutdown Volumio. <a href="http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/pu4Yccek" target="_parent">AliExpress.com Product - LCD2004 IIC/I2C LCD Display Monitor 2004 20X4 5V Character Blue Backlight Screen LCD2004 IIC I2C for arduino LCD display</a>







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