AT Simple switched dice roller for 9 fl oz Solo cup
A remix of bfulton's [AT Simple switched dice roller]( that uses a 266 ml / 9 fl oz clear Solo® TP9 cup instead of the 12 fl oz one. I can't seem to find the larger ones anywhere near me, so I modded the dice platter in OpenSCAD. I also added thin ribs so it wouldn't need support You'll need the [KISS_Roller_v9_KISS_Roller_v9_Base_1_Body1_Base.stl]( from the original. [Dice by KennethT10]( scaled to 12-15 mm work well with this device. I used an Adafruit [DC Toy / Hobby Motor - 130 Size]( along with a [Clear AAA Battery Box with On/Off Switch for micro:bit]( The battery box *just* fits, and you can jam the DC motor leads into the JST-PH connector to cut down on the soldering. You still have to snip one of the battery box leads to solder in the audio socket, though.