Prusa Slicer MK2B heated bed 12v/24v model & texture 4 orientations
If you like me got excited that Prusa Slicer 2.1 (Previously Slic3r Prusa Edition) lets you load in a custom 3d model for your bed and a texture but like me couldn't find one of the now ancient MK2B heated bed (21.5cm x 21.5cm PCB heated bed that takes a 20x20cm piece of glass with 25mm wide binder clips) look no further I've included the texture in all 4 rotations 0 90 180 270 and the bed model with the clips attached to the front & back, or the sides, personally I'm using vertical + 180 on my printer but since it was quick work supplying all variants for other layouts I might as well. The 4 textures are in the .zip tried adding them like the .stl files but they just got included as thumbnails. Strictly speaking this isn't 100% in compliance with thingiverse rules I guess? But I guess it's not doing any real harm?