West Tek T-60 Power Armor ( Fallout 4 )
Dowload it here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/west-tek-t-60-power-armor-fallout-4 First of all, I need to thank some people: arboriginal for giving me the push I was needing to finally tackle this long wanted project by posting his 200% FO Joe, rbuckbailey for creating the figure that inspired this project and served as inspiration for a lot of the joints, and amshuma94 for creating a figure that served as a great reference on how to convert Bethesda's model into a articulated figure. That wouldn't be possible without you guys! Their works are on the remix section. All the parts should already be oriented for optimal printing. Print with 5+ walls and low infill (about 15%) and it will be strong without using too much filament (I used about 250g for the entire figure). The arm and leg parts need to be reversed and printed twice, pretty easy to do on the slicer, but I can upload already turned part files if anyone is having difficulty. Building is pretty straight foward, there's only some points to consider. The arm rings go on the holes where the shoulders will fit. They act as a bushing, and can be glued on place. Smear a small quantity of superglue on the inside of the ring if you want a tighter fit arm. The leg pins should work well and don't need to be glued, they will press fit just fine, but I recomend using M3 machine screws instead of the provided arm pins. Choose if you want the jetpack prior to printing, the back part should be glued on the torso, and the jetpack is attached to it. This figure was build in a way to be exactally 200% the size of fallout joe, so all the awesome weapons and hands it have will fit right on, just print them double the size. The links for the acessories are in the remix section. The vault meat head, plasma pistol, minigun and quad barrel shotgun are in the remix section. Edit 3/5/20: Added sided parts.