Direct drivinator Smooth Fang combo mix BLT

Direct drivinator Smooth Fang combo mix BLT


Heyooo, I love both the direct drivinator and Smooth fang. The combination was a bit tricky, so made some mods. The are my first remixes but i am proud. The Direct Drivinator has been modified to have a mounting point for the fang plate. Zip-ty mount removed and a section of front facing side plate to have more room for the Fang. The Fang mounting plate is moddes to have a resess for the right bolthead. And a hole to match the direct drivinator remix. The BLtouch mount is redesigned to be more compact and closer to the nozzle. It now can slide easaly over the resecced bolt head so full range of height. There still might be some small adjustments to be made so let me know. The main praise goes to the original designers, thanks for your hard work.



