Fear This! Kustoms UV Curing Box
<<sorry if my pics seem squished, thingverse is butchering them right now for some reason>> I thought it was ridiculous that UV enclosures were going for $100-200. And I wasn't going to be happy with a dollar store mickey mouse tin foil setup either. So I spent a couple hours designing this to fit hardware I had selected to build with. And made sure it would accommodate the print volume of my Anycubic Photon S I just bought. UV typically does't power solar panels very well, but the mirrors in this setup are so good at refocusing the light that the solar panels turn the display as fast or even faster than they do in broad daylight. This of course allows my models to get a hit by UV at every angle and cure faster and more completely. I have included instructions how to build it and what sizes to cut the acrylic parts. Just ask your local Acrylic shop, these parts cost me $15. I included "mouse ears" on the corners of the box top and bottom to help prevent the corners lifting during the prince process, these pieces are a bit big and thick and without precautions like that, will tend to lift off the print bed as the upper layers cool an contract. They are only 0.5mm and very easy to bend and tear off afterwards. You can lightly sand where they tore off if you want to make it smooth again. I just used a hobby knife to clean it up. Goodluck and please share your makes!!!