TOM the robot climbing Robot based on toy from 1895

TOM the robot climbing Robot based on toy from 1895


I always liked string climbing toys and earliest version that I can find that was mass produced was by the Lehmann toy company back in 1895. It was called TOM the Climbing Monkey. This toy has been copied by every major maker of tin and plastic toys since then, but non of them were robot themed. So here is TOM the climbing Robot that you can 3d print and build. I also did a simple Rocket and UFO design that is much easier to build if you like. This video is both a demo video and a build instruction video. I will post the rocket and UFO as sa new thing project since it is a remix. I am using a string pull ring that I found years ago that was made by Greg Zumwalt. I think the project was posted here, The demo and build video are on you tube and can be seen here. Full build info and pictures and STL files can be found on the Alphadrome web site as well



