Ender 3 Ikea USB Light Mount (20x20 Extrusion)

Ender 3 Ikea USB Light Mount (20x20 Extrusion)


A different way to shed light on your prints. This allows the mounting of an Ikea JANSJÖ USB gooseneck lamp to either of the bottom double 20x20 extrusions. To power the lamp I am just using an USB extension cable to a wall socket USB power point, but in the future I will be adding power brick with a buck converter so that I can have a 12v & 5v rail to power fans and what ever other mods that need it. I have attached the OpenScad files so it can be remixed easily, but be warned it was just a quick script and isn't very user friendly. Ikea JANSJÖ USB Lamp: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/jansjoe-led-usb-lamp-black-70291232/



