APIS CoreXY - 3D Printer

APIS CoreXY - 3D Printer


April 2021 Update: I am revisiting this after a long hiatus, I'd like to actually build the damn thing now... and in a way that will have some interesting upsides. I recently took on the challenge of designing a larger-scale level printer that could be used for high-speed production work. It was heavily inspired by the E3D Tool Changer, but with some notable differences (see below). Why inspired? I thought it would be a smart move to use the knowledge of a team of engineers with over a year of beta testing a system, after all I'm only mortal. **The most effective thing you can do with this build at the moment is to watch the project, perhaps comment? There will be changes, and I know that in its current state it isn't very easy to consider building. BUT SOON.** **I want to emphasize that the design of this printer is not finished.** As is, it is entirely functional (in theory). In the next couple weeks, I will be creating the first prototype and will almost certainly find efficiencies that can be made. I also already have some ideas for things I want to change to make it even more accessible, read the to-do list to see a full list of things I want to add to the design. **Comment if there is anything you may also want to see!**







3D Printers