M3 Thumbwheel - Adjustment Knob: QiDi X-One

M3 Thumbwheel - Adjustment Knob: QiDi X-One


Update October 4, 2019: This knob/thumbwheel is not for use with bed temperatures greater than 50 degrees Celsius. This is a bed level adjustment knob for my QiDi Tech X One printer. It replaces the original wing nuts with a low profile knob which contains captive hardware. The shape and size of the knob makes bed leveling much easier to adjust inside the tight quarters of the printer, especially if you have covers on the sides and the primary access is through the front. The edge of the knob extends just beyond the bed frame of the printer for accessibility. This is kind of a big 'to do' for a knob, but, I've tried others and needed one that better matched my printer type. See the slides for a better description. Search Tags: 3D Printer, QiDi, QIDI TECH, QIDI Technologies, X One, X-One, Makerbot, Clone, print bed, knob, level, bed, adjustment, leveling, thumbwheel, thumb wheel







3D Printing