Star Chess Puzzle

Star Chess Puzzle


This is a star (diagonal) burr puzzle with a chess puzzle engraved on the faces. Simply assembling the puzzle is a difficult physical challenge that requires insight and dexterity. To fully solve the puzzle, each cluster of six triangles that forms a hexagon must contain one of each type of chess piece (similar to how each 3x3 group in a sudoku puzzle must contain one of each number). The OpenSCAD design file is provided so that you can generate new permutations, use different icons, change the font, or adjust the tolerance. This design is licensed under creative commons attribution, which means you can share the design, sell it, and modify it, but you are required to provide a copy of the license and let people know I made it. This will hopefully help people discover my other designs and make 3D design a sustainable use of my time. If you sell it, gift it, or simply enjoy it, please consider supporting me with a tip. Enjoy!






