EZ PiBoy 0

EZ PiBoy 0


Normally I did not add detail how to build the device, but this one is customize and use many parts so let follow my guide. [Prepare parts] 1. Pi zero/zero w 2. LCD li9341 2.4" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32845726230.html 3. Battery: I use 1,100 mAh from RC Quadcopter https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32998946471.html 4. Tactile Push Button: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32699672450.html 5. Speaker https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32957581480.html or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32868028612.html 6. Tactile Button: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32421199551.html or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32668706990.html 7. TP4056 LIPO Charging Board https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32709366716.html 8. PAM8403 Amplifier Board https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32663074926.html 9. Universal PCB Board https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32858951350.html 10. resister 270R, 150R 11. Capa 33N,10U 12. Screws set https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32735936901.html [Build] - Wire LCD with Pi0 follow these pin Screen<-------->Raspberry Pi 3 or zero SDO(MISO)<----->PIN 21 LED<----------->Pin 2 (5V) SCK<----------->Pin 23 SDI(MOSI)<----->Pin 19 DC<------------>Pin 22 RESET<--------->Pin 26 CS<------------>Pin 24 GND<----------->Pin 20 VCC<----------->Pin 1 (3.3V) - Make controller by cut the Universal PCB like i show in pictures. (this will be Up,Down,Left,Right and A,B,X,Y) - Burn Retropie SD (any version) - Run on screen via HDMI or connect via USB follow this guide https://www.instructables.com/id/Connect-to-a-Raspberry-Pi-Zero-W-Via-USB-No-Mini-H/ - go to shell and run these command [Install driver] git clone https://github.com/juj/fbcp-ili9341.git cd fbcp-ili9341 mkdir build cd build cmake -DSPI_BUS_CLOCK_DIVISOR=6 -DILI9341=ON -DSINGLE_CORE_BOARD=ON -DGPIO_TFT_DATA_CONTROL=25 -DGPIO_TFT_RESET_PIN=7 -DSTATISTICS=0 -DDISPLAY_ROTATE_180_DEGREES=ON .. make -j (for test use this command) sudo ./fbcp-ili9341 after this step if everything correct the LCD screen will show something - make it run ever time after boot sudo nano /etc/rc.local [add before exit] sudo /home/pi/fbcp-ili9341/build/fbcp-ili9341 & - edit config.txt sudo nano /boot/config.txt [add] hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_cvt=320 240 60 - Install GPIO-Buttons follow this tutorial https://othermod.com/gpio-buttons/ and map GPIO like this Map GPIO like this UP 23 # Up DOWN 27 # Down LEFT 22 # Left RIGHT 17 # Right Q 19 # Y ESC 16 # B Y 20 # X ENTER 26 # A LEFTCTRL 1 # L1 RIGHTCTRL 21 # R1 Z 24 # L2 X 5 # R2 S 0 # Start D 6 # Select - add sound to GPIO 13 (pwm) by add sound filter (I add the pictures that come from this site: https://sudomod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=480&start=40) add this line to config.txt dtoverlay=pwm,pin=13,func=4 and if you want to fix audio hiss add these line also disable_audio_dither=1 force_pwm_open=0 - connect every wire from btn to Pi0 - close and run. I think these step will help who interest this build. anyway sorry for my bad in language and tutorial. I believe who want to build this device will understand what to do :) Hope you like this one :D






