Slim and Elegant RepRap 12864 LCD Display Extrusion Mount
<h2>This light, elegant and very slim holder for the very popular 12864 LCD fits on any 20x20 or 20x40 aluminium extrusion. </h2> The screen is fitted on a ball so you can adjust the display angle it as you please and lock it by turning the ring. If you want to put it on the right site mirror the standoff with your slicer. All is designed to print without supports. Thats why the inside pushers that keep the board in place are printed separately. Print two of each. PLEASE NOTE: I have got some feedback about my design that it will not fit the board. My design is exactly modeled according the drawing I provided. __Be sure that your printer is calibrated within a +/- 0.2mm tolerance.__ Thats the original design clearance.