Pumpkin Mimic

Pumpkin Mimic


Watch your step through that pumpkin patch! A Pumpkin Mimic appears! 28mm scale miniature for a rather large pumpkin that hides a nasty surprise! This is scaled as a medium creature; some pumpkins get very large! If you would prefer a Small creature, scale down to 78.87% or if using the based model, until the X/Y dimensions are 20mm and be sure the ratio is locked in for Z etc. Top teeth are modeled to be flat against the back of the mouth for slightly easier printing. Based and unbased versions are include with both the Mimic and the "normal" pumpkin. If you liked this model and want to help support me make more, consider buying me a coffee! <a href='https://ko-fi.com/O5O1XNEX' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi1.png?v=2' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a> or consider becoming a patron! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=29383306" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">Become a Patron!</a><script async src="https://c6.patreon.com/becomePatronButton.bundle.js"></script> [Or you can buy one of my premium model sets on Gumroad!](https://gumroad.com/clayrade)



