SW Immobilizer 418 interdictor-class cruiser

SW Immobilizer 418 interdictor-class cruiser


The a 600m long Immobilizer 418 cruiser built on the standard Vindicator-class heavy cruiser hull as seen in the game Empire At War. I've taken the original game mesh and added more fine detail from the textures, along with some ideas from the Interdictor star destroyer from Rebels which is heavily based on the original. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original model was created by the following team: Interregnum Credits Mod Team GoaFan77 (Lead Developer) Ahobgoblin (Apprentice Developer) ERock72 (Art Lead) Voice Actors MiWadiAddiction (Corellian Scout) Assistants Sersanara (Maps) BrutalTheory Modelers Evillejedi Maxloef ERock72 Warb_Null Jeroenimo Suk Munky Modders from Other Mods For advice, encouragement and occasional assistance Lavo of Sins of a Galactic Empire JasonF of Star Wars: Requiem ZombiesRus of Sins of the Fallen Nomada Firefox of Star Wars: Alliance Maxloef of Star Trek Armada III Technophobeus/Dul Gukat of Star Trek Armada III Istaku Mesk of Black Sun: Retribution Myfist0 of Sacrifice of Angels 2 Psychoak of Sacrifice of Angels 2 Special Thanks Players/Testers DarknessDK Sergeant_Pepper123 Railgunner2160 conran7 Ludo Kreesh Technophobeus/Dul Gukat Star Wars Artists Special thanks to both fan and official Star Wars artists whose work has done so much for the galaxy far far away, including but not limited to... Ralph McQuarrie Darren Tan Viper Aviator http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-interregnum http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/447324/page/1






