Alpha-class XG-1 GUNBOAT(Star Wing) LEGION SCALE.

Alpha-class XG-1 GUNBOAT(Star Wing) LEGION SCALE.


The 10-meter-long Xg-1 was based on a tri-wing design similar to the Lambda-class shuttle, another craft that Cygnus Spaceworks designed. Like the Lambda shuttle, the Star Wing had a fixed dorsal wing flanked by a pair of lateral folding wings. When landing, the lower wings folded upwards. However, the Xg-1 had a sleeker cockpit and warhead/engine pods along the side of the hull. It had two additional folding wings that protruded diagonally from the side pods, at an angle reflexive to the lateral wings. These secondary wings afforded the Xg-1 significantly increased maneuverability over its shuttle counter-part. When in flight position, the wing configuration resembled a flatened five-point star, thus the name "Star Wing". Its armament consisted of two chin mounted laser cannons, two ion cannons above the cockpit, and a pair of general purpose warhead launchers. The Star Wing could also carry the tractor beam weapon developed for the TIE Avenger and newer Imperial starfighters; the only known use of this was during Maarek Stele's campaign in the Eva-T system to snare enemy craft. The standard payload was sixteen concussion missiles, eight per launcher, though depending upon the mission the Star Wing could alternatively carry twelve proton torpedoes, eight heavy rockets, or four heavy space bombs. Some Xg-1s also carried Ion torpedoes. The Xg-1 was a relatively large craft, which enabled it to accommodate a hyperdrive and deflector shields. However, it was not particularly fast and had an average level maneuverability, making it mediocre in space superiority.The starfighter also borrowed the standard reactor design from the TIE series, which, like those fighters, was mounted directly on the tail of the craft. for more info about the XG-1 check the link. this was file was remixed to fit legion scale and to add landing gears. there is 4 options for printing 2 fully built in parked and one that is in parts and you can place and glue the parts how you chose like the model this was remixed from. whats option #4 ? a hull with a empire logo on it



