Legacy - SKR Controller box model 3.3

Legacy - SKR Controller box model 3.3


This box is being moved to a Legacy state for those who need a diferent variant than the skr 1.4 of the Model 4 This is the latest model: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4337136/files -------------------------------This is a control box made to hold up: -raspberry pi 3/4 -BIQU SKR 1.3/1.4/PRO/E3 -50x50x15 fan -two LM2596 DC-DC converters -Multiple heated bed Mosfet -Z axis multiplier -two power switch Things might seem tight inside, but it gives all components easy access to airflow, and phisical maintenance. The box can be printed in a Prusa i3 printer with at least a 210x210 bed. It has mounting screws holes for a profile on the bottom of the case, please, use at least 1mm spacers to separate the box from the profile, also keep in mind all holes are made for 3mm screws, except the raspberry pi which are 2.5mm, the door lock, and the profile fixation ones, which are 4mm ones. All holes have been corrected to +0.2mm size, to compensate overextrusion. Important!!! the fan must be positioned to extract hot air from inside, not no blow, repeat, the fan takes air from inside the box, and blows it outside, otherwhise it won't work properly and heat will cycle inside the box, provoquing heat poquets near components. *XXL and E3 models have not been tested, as I don't have the hardware to do so, please feel free to comment if they needs corrections. *Older versions have been moved to legacy .zip in case any of you needs them. Model 3.3 upgrades: -More suitable Raspberry positioning and a universal pi3/4 compatible model -More space for cable management -Thicker walls -Internal hinges -Adaptable mosfet base plate, one box fits all -Srewless dor lock, now it uses a clip -Adapted bracket for TMC2209, so front pins have room to fit -XL model to fit large heated bed mosfets *(it might not fill smaller printing surfaces) There are different models of boxes for each type of board, please use the ones with matching names, universal means that fits both raspberry pi 3 and 4, then: -universal XL model fits SKR v1.3 and 1.4 -XXL model fits SKR PRO -E3 is only for ender 3 compatible board from skr lineup, not for the printer. If you want to mix up boards, there are editable files in the .step compressed file, you can draw the holes matching your board and use them as you please. Thanks for sharing their mockup pieces and designs to: Towe Prusa Ancel Curativo Albert Thingster Hope it helps you in this new 32 bit era! Designed by Carles



