Module Bay Cover for Jumper T16 (or any JR style radio)
Here's a cover for the Jumper T16 module bay, also fits a Taranis, and should fit just about any radio that uses a JR style module. It's printed in two parts and assembled using two M3-8 screws. This way the tabs that clip into the radio are much more durable and less prone to breaking. I printed in with Zyltech PLA (so nothing special) and it's quite strong and fits great. Something a bit more flexible and durable like PETG might work even better, but this is what was loaded in my printer... lol I've included two cover plates, one blank and one with the Jumper logo. To print the logo, you'll need a small nozzle to get all the details. I printed it with a 0.3 nozzle and 0.36 extrusion width. When sliced for a 0.4 extrusion width some of the details are gone, even with single extrusion walls enabled in S3D. It's based largely on the cover design from Painless360!