Canine Animal Tooth Necklace

Canine Animal Tooth Necklace


This tooth necklace was created to express my like of wolves. I wanted to create something that would be scalable for cosplay costumes. As a novice to 3d printing I wanted to experiment with the chain links being printed together. This design was printed vertically with the links down to reduce the amount of post-printing cleanup of the supports. It was tried horizontally, which worked, but left alot of sanding and cleanup to do along the smooth surfaces of the tooth. It was printed at 25%, 20%, and 15% infill and was scaled from 40mm all the way to 90mm. In the vertical position with the links down, they are the weakest part of the model. In cleanup, the links broke multiple times due to trying to remove the support material. I hope that some of you will remix it and improve the link structure. In the future I hope to sculpt the upper portion of the model to include some sort of wolf symbol.






