Arduino Mega and or Uno Prototyping Breadboard Holder and Power supply

Arduino Mega and or Uno Prototyping Breadboard Holder and Power supply


Note: All 3d printed parts for the power supply enclosure are assemble together with #4 flat head sheet metal screws, except for Top Plate Sm. It is glued to the top of the enclosure. P.C. Boards are mounted with #1 and #3 sheet metal type screws. Power supply and breadboard holder can be glued together or kept separate, it is user choice. Glue used to assemble parts made from PLA is weld-on #16 Parts Used For Power Supply: 2ea: DC100V 10A 4~30V Digital Voltmeter Dual LED Volt Amp Meter Gauge Panel 1ea: 5A DC- DC Constant Current Voltage Regulator Step Down Converter 1ea: LM2596 DC-DC Adjustable Buck-Converter Step Down Power Supply Module 1.25-30V 1ea: DC-022B DC Power Supply Jack Socket Female Panel Mount Connector 2ea: 10K Ohm 3590S-2-103L Rotary Potentiometer Pot 10 Turn 1ea: SS22F25-G7 2 Position DPDT 2P2T Panel Mount Slide Switch 4ea: Banana socket Binding Post Nut Banana plug jack connector Red 4ea: Banana socket Binding Post Nut Banana plug jack connector Black Parts Used For Breadboard and Arduino Holder: 1ea: MB-102 830 Solderless Breadboard Tie Points 2 buses 1ea: UNO R3 ATmega328P Development Board 1ea: MEGA 2560 R3 Board ATmega2560-16AU






