P60 Punisher Handgun (Mutant Chronicles RPG)
A 'P60 Punisher Handgun' from the Mutant Chronicles RPG. My first attempt at 3D modelling so far from perfect, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. It's scaled to be exactly the size the source book specifies it to be and my first attempt att printing it worked out fine. I uploaded it in three versions: <h3>Elegoo Mars</h3> All parts are split in small enough sizes to fit for an Elegoo Mars SLI printer, since that's the one I'm using <h3>Unsplit</h3> The 'regular' version which has the gun in 4 major parts and 2 small screws to add to the grip. <h3>1-piece</h3> The entire gun in a single piece, in case anyone would want to print it this way instead or slice it up themselves. I also added a stl for a plug for those who wants to color it bright orange and have it as a safety for walking the floor at cons and such. Hope you enjoy!