Z axis endstop for tronxy x8

Z axis endstop for tronxy x8


a modify for the standard z axis endstop made especially for the tronxy x8 printer. the thing is composed by an upper and a lower part, you can turn the offset screw to personalize the z-home. i used: <blockquote> <p>> one 3x30 screw + two m3 nuts for the home z-home offset</p> <p>> two 3x16 screws + an M3 nuts to mount the upper part</p> <p>> two 3x16 screws + an M3 nuts to mount the lower part</p> <p>> two m2 screws and nuts for the endstop (already used for it on the standard part)</p> </blockquote> inspired by this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1776429 and rebuilt from zero for the tronxy x8 only the screwsaver is recomanded



