Huxley of Theseus
Buildvolume 150x150x200; laser cuttable on a 400x300mm laser cutter **Backstory: ** Basically this is the end result of me constantly updating my printer: 2011 - reprap huxley kit form eMaker 2012 - update stepper drivers and 2560 Atmega 2013 - updated heatbed/X-axis 2016 - change from the huxley frame to the first iteration lasercut wood case (ultimaker style) 2017 - change from the original motors and extruder to nema 17; E3D lite and self printed extruder 2018 - iterative model updates 2019 - finally releasing these files Like with the ship of Theseus this 'eMaker Huxley' changed piece by piece from the original printer to basically a complete new design. As of 2019 only the smooth rods, the power supply and the Sanuginololu-board are from the initial printer and basically none of the Sanguinololu parts are original. ** The Files are provided as is! ** The STLs are the hopefully the newest iterations, but please check via the SketchUp file for the assembly. Also none of the laser cut files are yet exportet, since all the files i already done are inconsistant, while the skethup file is the most current. Please see on how to use the plugin to export the laser cut files. Plugins used: STL import/export FlightOfIdeas SVG plugin Specialized parts used: - Bronze bushings 6mm ID 9mm OD for X/Y assembly - 8x12x30mm bronze bushing for Z-Rods - For extruder: Ultimaker style knurled drive gear - 6mm and 6mm smoothrods - Lots of metric M3 hardware (nuts/bolts), some parts need to be tapped!