MKS Mini 12864 for B2X300
Enclosure for display used on B2X300 printer. The idea is to have a folding box which will be closed by fixing on the frame. Designed for print in place and according to my guess/hopes, it should works fine :D. Hinge axis are 2x 90 mm PLA 1,75 filament. Redraw the BeeVeryCreative logo over the buzzer, and design of the STOP button. The fixture for B2X300 frame is not included yet and will be added soon. The back plate only is a remix (exactly, used as a template for back side holes). Fusion360 file is available here: ***** Please note that's a WIP!!! Changes will be applied without further notice! Dimensions haven't be checked yet and will need adjustments (especially for the hinge). STOP button strenght has not been tested. Will be printed in PLA. *****