Raspi FLIRC case hanger

Raspi FLIRC case hanger


I wanted a way to get my Raspberry Pi (running RetroPie) mounted inside my Arcase1Up cabinet, but I needed easy access to all three sides for cables and the memory card. Once permanently mounted, this access is more difficult. I have my Pi in a FLIRC aluminum case so I made a mount that fit that case, and decided the best thing for my purpose was to "hang" mount it so that it was secure, but easily removable. Here's what I came up with. It works very well. I can easily lift my Pi (in its case) out of the hanger and change the memory card or the USB cables, then drop it back into the hanger. And it lets the aluminum FLIRC case do it's heat-sink duty without adding another full wrapper. This was made to accommodate the FLIRC case, but should work with any form-fitting case. I have two versions - one for screw mounting and one for double-sided-sticky-tape mounting (which I used for attaching the hanger to my A1Up cab.) The back plate is not very thick (2.5mm) and there's not much clearance inside the hanger, so if you decide to screw-mount it, you'll need screws with a low-profile head so they don't interfere with the case.






