Project Aeolus: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine V2

Project Aeolus: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine V2


Note: Please check out for product design inquires. Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kickstart Design LLC is a product development I co-own/operate. We offer a wide array of services that help makers turn their projects into manufacturable products. You can also check out my blog @ This is the second version of my vertical-axis wind turbine. (V.A.W.T.) I've taken to calling the VAWT Project Aeolus, after the Greek god of wind. The goal of this project is to not only reduce my carbon footprint but also do it in an aesthetically pleasing manner. It is my belief that pure function is not enough to convince people to switch to clean sources of energy. When function is paired with beauty, a spinning bit of plastic can capture both clean energy and the imagination of those who view it. This VAWT is composed of four easy to 3d-print parts. This modular design offers two advantages. The ability to print individual parts means that it is more accessible to printers with a smaller build volume. Additionally, the turbine can be stacked to any height without compromising its structural integrity. In essence, this turbine is comprised of two types of vertical wind turbines. A helical Darrieus turbine, and a Savonius style wind turbine. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you can! Even if it sounds like a silly question! I certainly learn an awful lot by reflecting on a process, or explaining why I designed something a particular way.





