Flashlight/ Pen Cam

Flashlight/ Pen Cam


I needed to make a bunch of handheld Cameras for a special use case: A Camera to be held like a Pen/ Flashlight an fix focus a table (full with toys and stuff), live streaming to a Projector. The hole project was lowcost from the beginning- no fancy SGI, so the picture quality is mad- were working with PAL here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAL The Camera housing should be light, it should not roll off the Table and it should be easy to orientate the picture and fit into a standard microphone clip (SM57/58) The Camera, Plugbox and Cables should be rugged for Stage use; A Plugbox should power The Cameras with 12V and Signals outputs RCA. I choose a simple Bullet camera from Amazon https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0799J134N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 an Objective for focusing on the Table https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00G55ZBFS/ref=pe_3044161_185740101_TE_item Rean tiny xlr plugs for the Camera housing, Plugbox and 3ch cables with conductive shield. Cables cut to 5m lengh and soldered the tiny xlr plugs worked out Ok. https://www.reichelt.de/tiny-xlr-einbaustecker-5-pol-wandstaerken-bis-6-mm-rean-t5mp-p166202.html?&trstct=pos_3 (youll find your way from there) The Plugbox and PSU were leftovers, wired as supposed to. have fun






