Hasbro Han Solo Card Game (Sabacc) Case

Hasbro Han Solo Card Game (Sabacc) Case


HASBRO Star Wars Han Solo Card Game (Sabacc) Dice and Cards Case My boyfriend didn't feel like lugging around his cardboard Hasbro case every time he wanted to play Sabacc with his buds, so I whipped up a quick case in Solidworks for his cards and dice! Fair warning, this case is designed for the cards of the HASBRO release of the game (see picture below of the game box) and I'm not sure if it will hold other versions (Star Wars Galaxy, self printed..etc). I could possibly make a variant of this case if contacted with their card measurements. Also, the initial snap-together of the cover and case is TIGHT and it is a bit of a pain to separate them on the first go. I found that snapping together and separating the case about 5 further times breaks the case in and fixes this issue. Once the semester is over, I may come back to this case and add some fun inscriptions to the cover. Hope yall find this useful! I'd love to see some pictures of customized cases!






