SKR v1.3 Creality Ender 3 Rear Case - Slides on!

SKR v1.3 Creality Ender 3 Rear Case - Slides on!


*** PLEASE READ EVERYTHING! *** Please consider this an ALFA build. I've been searching FOREVER for a case that's not only easy to get to if I needed, fits everything I needed, and wasnt crazy or overcomplicated. I found a case that i liked the overall design and feel, but I still wanted a way to mount it. I found one that mounted to the back 40x40 aluminum but it didnt fit everything, so here you go! it literally slides on, and fits snug, so no mounting hardware you should rotate your z stepper so its wires face out the side fits - MKS Gen L / SKR V1.3 - 2x Mosfets - 2x LM2596 buck converters (snap in, no tools) - 4020 fan - Raspberry Pi Its not pretty and this is not a final design, I uploaded this only because a few people asked me to. Goals if I ever get around to it (which I wont) - make the mounting holes bigger for the mosfets and everything (check before you make them bigger though) - instead of making the holes bigger, just make EVERYTHING snap in like the buck converters - figure out if I really need all the holes to run wires (it may be overkill) - make mounts for chain links so it can look cleaner - locking mechanism or latch or something - integrated cable management for zip ties or something - make it more aesthetically pleasing Print with supports, it shouldn't require too much, but the buck converters will definitely need them. See below TEST PRINT FILE! - There is a small test print piece to make sure the tolerances are correct, print this flat as is, with support in a way that would make it impossible to remove. Don't use "touching buildplate only" even though it makes sense, because on the full print you'll need support everywhere for the buck converter clips







3D Printing