Christmas Vacation Advent House
This is a model of the Advent House from Chevy Chase’s movie Christmas Vacation. It was only used in a couple of scenes, where opening the windows was used to mark the passage of time in the movie. 11/30/21 I uploaded the pictures that I used in the windows, and the pattern that I used for the bricks, but only discovered after beekerzz noticed that they are not included in the ZIP file when you download all the files. So I just uploaded, which includes all the images that you can see posted above. 11/10/19 Updated the PDF files to include dimensions for the roof parts. I made this a couple of years ago, and made the mistake of storing it in the attic over the summer. The PLA windows warped so badly, they wouldn't open. So DON'T do that. I just rebuilt it. I'm posting it now, so there is time if one wants to make it for this Christmas. Since it is 3D printed, I put a lot more detail in the design of the window frames, etc., than the one in the movie. The skylight, windows, front door, and roof trim are 3D printed. The main case is made out of fiber board, with a piece of 3/4 in pine for the base, so it will also require some wood working tools to make it. Enjoy