4x4x4 3D Tic Tac Toe / Noughts and Crosses
This is a 4x4x4 3D tic tac toe game I made for a home school co-op class. They used a 4 sided dice to plot (x,y,z) rolls and learn Cartesian coordinates, while making a game out of it (the base counted as z=1, not z=0, for simplicity's sake). It is designed to be portable, and then assembled using a standard pencil as the spine. The pegs on top and bottom hold a rubber band which pulls all the pieces together so they do not droop. The pieces rest on the line intersections, and not in the square spaces in-between. The pieces have slots which go over the intersections and hold the piece in place. The different board levels can be swiveled out of the way, pivoting on the pencil, to reach boards underneath. I made the base multi-colored by pausing at a certain layer height and swapping the filament. The pieces can be made with different colored filament for each player, or the "X" and "O" can be glued on top of them to differentiate.