Tiny Power Consumption Meter (0.1mA resolution)

Tiny Power Consumption Meter (0.1mA resolution)


# Tiny Power Consumption Meter - Max: 20V supply - 0.1mA resolution - Max: 400mA load (1A or 2A also possible with lower resolution) - Measure frequency 70Hz Displays: - mA and mW - average mA and mW since start - mAh and mWh since start - Load V - Measure frequency - Run time Ardunio code included # Parts needed: - Arduino Nano - ATmega328P - Adafruit Feather INA219 - Display 0.91 inch 128x32 i2c SSD1306 Optional: - 1A Schottky diode - 100uF 30V (connect parallell to load) . ##__Running the meter and the load from USB power only:__ | Display . . . . | Arduino . . . . | INA219 . . . . | LOAD | |----------------- |----------------- |---------------- |-------- | | VCC | 3.3V | 3.3V | | | SCL | SCL | SCL | | | SDA | SDA | SDA | | | | D2 | RST (button) | | | VCC | 3.3V | 3.3V | | | | 5V | + | | | | | - | +4.7V | | GND | GND | GND | GND | . ##__Running the meter and the load from external power supply 7-20V:__ | Display . . . . . | Arduino . . . . . | INA219 . . . . . | Power supply . . . | LOAD | |----------------- |----------------- |---------------- |-------------------------- |--------- | | VCC | 3.3V | 3.3V | | | | SCL | SCL | SCL | | | | SDA | SDA | SDA | | | | | D2 | RST (button) | | | | VCC | 3.3V | 3.3V | | | | | VIN | + | +7-20V | | | | | - | | +7-20V | | GND | GND | GND | GND | GND | __Optionally__ you can connect a Schottky diode from the Arduino boards USB connector 5V pin to the Arduino boards VIN pin. Then you can connect power to either the USB connector __OR__ an external power supply to the VIN pin without rewiring anything. . # Arduino Code You might want to check back at some time since there might be updates to the code in main.ini. I use an Arduino Nano board that has Bluetooth (Keywish BLE-Nano) so I might add something with that, who knows...






