OCP ED-209 [Enhanced Version]
This is an enhanced updated version of Omni Consumer Product's ED-209. It utilizes the weapon update from GHathaway and the body. Enhanced ED-209 is probably the BEST FREE ED-209 out there. It is now mostly screen correct. Updates Include: <ul> <li>3 Head options - one for electronics or not. Deep_Insert has a grill insert to be movie correct (more or less) <li>Head ridges reduced because they interfere with the visor attachment <li>All Body and Leg rivet details are added <li>Top of legs modified to reflect film version <lI>Radioactive Canister allows you to print in clear and insert LEDs into it. You will need to remove the material from the clear part for your sized LEDs <li>Hip and Hip BackFlex - these never worked properly in the model. Hip2 - removes the shaft and the BackFlex was scaled to fit the model properly <li>Enjoy </ul>