WPL C14 C24 front hood hinge

WPL C14 C24 front hood hinge


If you would like to be able to open your front hood then you need a hinge. It's also quite DIY as you need to cut your hood out first :-) For me it's worth it because I like keeping the batteries in front but also would like to be able to remove them without disassembly. It is also compatible with the original parts, if you want to open the hood just for fun. You can fix the mounts with the 2 screws holding the windshield. Please note that if you cut the hood the fenders might get easily misaligned. You can either use some glue to the front bumper or you can use my front compartment solution ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3925508 ) where the side turning signal pins are used to keep the fenders aligned. When you cut the hood, it's a bit challenging (it is positioned right at the contour of the hood), but you should really keep the two bores as they might come handy in the future.







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