Cheap & Safe 3D Printer Enclosure for CR-10, Ender, or similar: Using 10mm Dowels and Greenhouse

Cheap & Safe 3D Printer Enclosure for CR-10, Ender, or similar: Using 10mm Dowels and Greenhouse


I needed an enclosure for my CR-10S and Ender 3 to print materials sensitive to temperature. Mostly PETG, but I have had good success with ABS when I move this into the garage. It is very cheap to make, and safer to use than a lot of the other cheaper solutions out there. You need: 10mm Wood Dowel (cut to length for your printer) - $1 for 6ft depending where you purchase 3D print the corner brackets included, use the 3 way and build a cube. A greenhouse, I used this one: - $10, but I have seen them anywhere from $7-$12. These can tolerate a lot of heat, as they are designed to be used in direct sun and be heated all the time. That's it, you get an enclosure with a access door, keeps temperatures in the 100F range in the chamber when printing ABS with the room being ambient of about 75F. Works great for PETG to avoid drafts warping it, too. I've also included a bunch of 10mm dowel pieces to make 4 way, 5 way, etc. joints for any other projects you may need to frame.



