Easy Z index adjustment for costmo Brackets
This is the arm piece of a typical Z-index adjustment mechanism. Since I've added costmo Brackets to most of my Nema motors, I can use this index adjustment mechanism on any printer. I've personally used two styles, and I'm including those here. Both use two corner mounting holes in a costmo Bracket. - The first has the arm sticking out one side of the bracket. This is used on printers in which the X axis motor is mounted with its back facing the front. This is the reverse of the common "Prusa" orientation. The arm as ambidextrous, so it can be mounted pointing to either the left or the right side. - The second version is for printers that have the X axis motor with the spindle facing outward, leaving little or no sideways clearance between the motor and the Z axis support tower. This version has the arm facing forward, and the limit switch should be mounted on a Z axis linear motion rod. To use one of these pieces, you will need to download, print and install a costmo Bracket. costmo Brackets provide a universal mounting system for 3D printers. Read more here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3851599 The models and source code for costmo Brackets and associated models are available under a GPL license and are available on github: https://github.com/appideasDOTcom/3dPrinterModels The brackets that I have made should work for most people, but you may need to make minor modifications to fit your specific limit switch position. I have included the SCAD files, which include pre-rendered bases with through-holes, so you can construct your own arm (or modify mine - if mine is close, you may only need to adjust a couple variables).