Wireless weather station with Arduino Due and 3.5" TFT

Wireless weather station with Arduino Due and 3.5" TFT


I've built my own weather station with some cheap Arduino parts. The case and the frame was designed by myself with Freecad 0.18. Here is a part list I used for this project: RECEIVER: - Arduino Due R3 - 3.5" TFT display - DS3231 - Real time clock - DHT22 - Temperature/Humidity Sensor - NRF24L01 TRANSMITTER: - Arduino Nano v3 - DHT 22 - Temperature/Humidity sensor - BMP 280 - Air pressure sensor - NRF24L01 - Wireless module - Solar Panel 5V, 5W USB - LiPo 523450 3,7V 1000mAh - battery - TP4056 - Battery charger module - MT3608 DC/DC step up - Power module to increase the LiPo power from 3,7V to 5V It was a great project to learn a little bit more of programming with Arduino and part design with Freecad 0.18. Feel free to use the case to copy my project. I am about to build the case for the outdoor transmitter. Whenever I'm done with it, I'll provide the file here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: The outdoor transmitter case is done! Here is the link to it --> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3936686 Enjoy ;-)






