Anet A6/A8 upgraded Y belt tensioner for use with 20T toothed idler, embedded nuts

Anet A6/A8 upgraded Y belt tensioner for use with 20T toothed idler, embedded nuts


This is a remix of to make the height correct (the same as Y axis motor pulley) when using a 20 teeth toothed idler. A toothed idler wears out the belt less and is supposed to reduce vibration compared to smooth idler (I think it does, but it can be placebo effect). The height is so that it works better with this Y belt attachment: and probably remixes of it. I remade the frame arms, the rest is the same because it works OK. There are just left arms, you have to mirror them in your slicer. The arms are in 2 versions: normal and embeddable nut version. To embed a nut print it horizontally so that the hexagonal side of nut hole is facing down and flat side facing up, and stop at he height just before it starts covering up the nut hole using a slicer macro, put a M3 nut inside all the way in, and resume print. Do it at your own risk though and don't do it if you have some crazy expensive nozzle (like the one with a ruby insert) that might get damaged if bonked against the nut, just in case it sticks out just a little bit. (In my case it doesn't but if you didn't calibrate it properly it might, and I wanted it to fit snugly). The embedded nut version looks better, is stronger and the nut won't fall out of it. I didn't test the "normal" version because I only needed one, but all the dimensions are either the same or unchanged from the original.



