Bladeless Fan

Bladeless Fan


Bladeless fan. Obviously there is a fan but t's in the base to compress the air into the ring. Sometimes called an Air multiplier fan. In this version I used the bones of a 12v 90mm radial fan as the motor (similar to the one pictured and removed the original fan blades and most of the housing to fit inside the motor holder.stl) and a simple 12v PWM motor speed controller bought from ebay. There is also a DC socket on the back for incoming 12v. I leave you to find your own 12v power supply. Most parts will need supports although only minor ones and usually only 80 degrees is enough. The inner and outer rings are glued together (I used some silicon sealant for that) and the cone is also glued to the outer ring (again I used silicon sealant). This ensures no loss of air in the system. All of the lower parts clip together so no more glue required. Update: The fan impeller is designed to spin anticlockwise when looking from above. If you motor turns clockwise then simply mirror the Motor holder and the impellar in your slicer software.







3D Printing