D&D DM Screen Initiative Trackers (Supportless and Modular)

D&D DM Screen Initiative Trackers (Supportless and Modular)


Want to improve your player experience and up your Dungeon Mastering? Tired of the folded index card hanging over your DM screen for tracking your combat initiative and want something nicer? Then check out this modular DM screen initiative trackers! These have been designed for simplified printing on an FDM printer. No need to use supports on these or to print them standing up like other initiative trackers you'll find online. These have been designed to print in modular pieces laying flat on your print bed so you can then snap them together to create sturdy and awesome initiative trackers! Each initiative tracker can be printed from 2 - 4 modular pieces and provides slots to insert paper or a 3D printed insert (optional 4th piece) with custom designs. The tracker provides space to put your insert on both the front (facing your players) and the back (facing the DM) so tracking is easy to follow on both sides of the table I've added a separate back piece with no frame slots if you'd prefer to not have insert space facing the DM. The gap between front and back should be 3.5 mm after assembly. This fits the official DM screen size and provides a bit extra wiggle room to prevent scraping. Both the front and back with frame slot pieces require minor bridging but should print with no issue since the bridging is very small. These bridged areas are covered once snapped together so don't worry how they look.







Toys & Games