Wemos (Lolin) D1 Mini and IR shield

Wemos (Lolin) D1 Mini and IR shield


This is a case for **Wemos (Lolin) D1 Mini** with **IR shield** and possible button. Wemos D1 Mini is a great platform alternative to Arduino, it is based on ESP8266 and among many other improvements it contains wifi. * Wemos D1 Mini: [Aliexpress](https://lolin.aliexpress.com/store/group/D1-D1-mini-Boards/1331105_505460007.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.57c7637a1P3kJY) (non-affiliated link) * Wemos IR shield: [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32891173618.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.1.32522730sTPRit) (non-affiliated link) There are two versions of the top cover - one without a hole for a button and one with. The button must be soldered between D3 and GND on the IR shield. I have also created a program called **ESP8266 IR Master**, that runs on the board - you can download it in the ESP8266_IR_Master.zip. Once uploaded to the board (dont forget to upload files from /data to SPIFFS), the Wemos can be used to scan for IR signals, save them and then sends them through web interface, or REST API or MQTT API. You can also send IR signals by button single or double click. Project was created for Brno Mini Maker Fair [Mini Maker Fair Brno 2019](https://brno.makerfaire.com/). More informations about the code is on [ESP8266 IR Master GitHub](https://github.com/mensikv/ESP8266_IR_Master).






